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digital signature solutions

ComsignTrust™ Top digital signature solutions:

ComSignTrust™ Digital Signature solutions allow your organization to secure, automate and control your entire document signing, to make it more efficient and far more cost effective.

Digital signature solutions:

  • Enterprise server Signer1 – Automatically sign & send millions of document.
  • POS tablet solution– Sign customers on tablet, at the branch, from home or on the go, in a secure manner.
  • Desktop / Portable digital signature – The complete software to sign& send documents of all types.
  • Online digital signature portal – To sign peers , clients , suppliers anywhere, anytime.
  • ComSignTrust™ Cloud – Secure, automated digital signing at a safe and secure site.
  • ComSignTrust™ Mobile – Secure signing on tablets and smartphones.
  • API – To Integrate our advanced e-Sign API software with your applications.

Using a proven and innovative technology, our solutions are built for high reliability, easy to use and immediate implementation so users can enjoy their benefits from day one.

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 Improves the efficiency of organizational data workflow

 Save time, cost and resources of manual tasks

 Eliminate future costs associated with document production, handling, storage and disposal

 Experience immediate savings by going paperless

 Free-up personnel to enable increase productivity


Mitigate the risks and costs associated with human error

Increase document security and privacy of your organization and of your consumers

Allow multiple signatures on one document within a few minutes

Get secure, cost-effective managed digital storage

Provide an innovative, fast and convenient customer’s experience

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