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[av_heading heading=’ComSignTrust™ Smart Card – e Authentication’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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A Smart Card is a personal hardware component that aims to store the private and public key of the certificate owner – e-authentication.
The smart card requires e-authentication through a password, biometric, or even both.
Company systems are enhanced today with smart cards and they are used throughout several key industries such as: Healthcare, Finance, Transportation, Government and more.
Smart cards today are one of the best ways to secure digital content and physical assets.
Overall Features of the smart card:
- Requires a smart card reader
- Chip card in the size of a credit card, contains cryptographic capabilities for creating and securing key pairs
- Stores digital certificates and e-authentication
Smart card based “All in one” e-Authentication Solution
Supporting ComSignTrust™ Desktop, the smart card provides identification,e-Authentication, data storage and application processing.
- Compliant with FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or 3
- CC4+
- Supports Pkcs#11
- Supplied by one of the following vendors: Gemalto, G&D, Athena
For more information regarding ComSignTrust™ ‘All-in-one’ e-Authentication solution and online digital signature solution please Click Here.
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What is a smart card?
Watch the following video from Versasec and learn about smart cards as a strong authentication component and why it is so important to use it.
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Contact us for more information
[av_contact email=’tall@comda.co.il, zeev@comda.co.il. yanivw@comda.co.il, tammyl@comda.co.il’ title=” button=’Submit’ on_send=’redirect’ sent=’Your message has been sent!’ link=’manually,https://www.comsigntrust.com/digital_signature-thank-page/’ subject=’A new message from Smart card page – ComsignTrust’ autorespond=’Thank you for getting in touch about our smart card solution!
One of our team will contact you shortly to hear more about your needs and further explain about ComsignTrust’s solutions.
Meanwhile, we invite you to review our digital signature solutions for a cost-effective, secure and efficient internal and external processes, on our website www.comsigntrust.com
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